Riserva naturale dello Zingaro is Sicily’s first natural preserve. It was established in May 1981, and is one of the island’s premium attractions. The reserve extends to a distance of seven kilo meters of pristine coastline at the Gulf of Castellammare. It also incorporates the mountain chain filled with steep cliffs and hidden bays.
Riserva dello Zingaro is one of the most rewarding destinations for travelers to Sicily. It is famous as it is home to a huge variety of rare species of flora and fauna. The reserve has a huge variety of flora and fauna that are endemic to this region.
The collection of endemic plants is especially rich and notable. The diversity of this natural preserve is simply astounding, and can not be found anywhere else in entire Sicily. There are a variety of ecological niches that promote to the incredible diversity.

Riserva dello Zingaro is home to more than thirty nine bird species. This is inclusive of mating as well as nesting birds. Most of the bird species found here are birds of prey. The main bird species found here are the buzzard, the windhover and the peregrine falcon.
Riserva dello Zingaro is also rich in archeological history. One of the first prehistoric settlements in the island of Sicily is located in the beautiful Uzzo Grotto. The reserve is equipped with a huge number of facilities and is connected with paths all along. Car park, museums, picnic areas, water taps, shelters and other facilities are available. There are no roads here and the museum can be visited by foot.